¡Te mereces un descanso!
Bienvenido a Hotel & Spa Doña Urraca en Querétaro, donde el tiempo se detiene y tu bienestar se convierte en nuestra prioridad.
Cada visita es una escapada hacia la tranquilidad, donde nuestros tratamientos de primera clase y nuestro enfoque personalizado te permiten desconectar del estrés diario y reconectar contigo mismo.
You deserve a break!
Welcome to Hotel & Spa Doña Urraca in Querétaro, where time stands still and your well-being becomes our priority.
Each visit is an escape to tranquility, where our first-class treatments and personalized approach allow you to disconnect from daily stress and reconnect with yourself.
Servicios Populares | Popular Services
Massage with volcanic stones, helps to eliminate muscle pain, providing well-being and relief with a synergy of lavender and citrus in the cabin.
Hot stone massage
Facials Premium
Perfect treatment to depigment affected areas.
Exact combination for sensitive skin, preventing and modulating the inflammatory process.
Treat yourself to a special treat with a steam bath that combines refreshing synergy with a relaxing Swedish massage.

Si te encuentras hospedado con nosotros, cuentas con un 10% de descuento en cualquier servicio
If you are staying with us, you have a 10% discount on any service
Todos nuestros servicios ya incluyen IVA | All our services already include VAT
Galería | Gallery
Horarios de Atención
Lunes a Sábado
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sujeto a Disponibilidad
Previa Reservación
Service hours
Monday to Saturday
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Subject to Availability
Prior Reservation
Más Información | More Info